Go Green Manitowoc

Be the Change you Wish to See in the World. --Gandhi

The success of our businesses and the success of our communities are linked.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Teach Your Children Well

Teach your children well about sustainability.

Children who learn to reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink in regards to the resources of our earth will choose to live sustainably.

Guide children so that the ABC’s of sustainability are as natural a part of their consciousness as the ABC’s themselves.

It’s not too early to reinforce “cradle to cradle” thinking while still in the cradle.

Help children to understand the connection between the environment and their actions.

By understanding the current state of the environment, the causes of environmental destruction, and ways to solve these problems kids learn that it is possible and desirable to redesign the world for a sustainable future.

And kids can have fun learning too.

Check out some of these fun resources:









Manitowoc Sustainability Committee

The City of Manitowoc has appointed a Sustainability Committee to advise the Mayor and Common council on implementation of sustainable practices and strategies.
Members of the Committee include:
Paul Braun, Deputy City Planner
Jen Glowaski, Manitowoc Public Utilities
Ryan Holl, Orion Energy Systems
Jenny Heinzen, LTC Wind Tower Program
Kelly Eskew, Woodland Dunes
Sherrie Richards, Manitowoc Farmers Market
Bobbi Schuetze, Manitowoc County Recycling Center
Tony Fodden, Architect
Georgia Lusk, Interested Citizen

This is a great step forward towards the sustainability of sustainability in Manitowoc :-)