Go Green Manitowoc

Be the Change you Wish to See in the World. --Gandhi

The success of our businesses and the success of our communities are linked.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Earth Hour

On March 29, 2008, cities around the world will join together to literally turn off the lights for one hour to offer leadership and symbolize their commitment to finding climate change solutions. Individuals, local businesses and corporations will all be asked to join in.

The momentum is building for Earth Hour—8 to 9 pm, March 29, 2008 —the global movement to shut off the lights for one hour to make a bold statement about climate change. More and more individuals, businesses, and even cities are planning to participate to deliver a powerful message to the citizens and leaders of the world about the need for action on climate change. Earth Hour is an opportunity for each one of us to take action, influence others and start a wave of change that alters the course of climate change

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Satisfaction of Sustainability

Sustainable Living is a different approach to living and working that is more deeply satisfying.
Give it a try!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Commuting By Bike

Commuting by bike?
Visit http://commutebybike.com/cats/commuting-101/ for safety and other tips for traveling by bike.
Remember, in the City of Manitowoc, if you have your bike, you can always hop on Maritime Metro Transit buses and use the convenient bike rack on the front of the bus. This comes in handy if the weather the changes, you've gone shopping and made purchases, have pedaled farther than you care to pedal back, or are just simply desirous of a comfy air-conditioned ride.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jack Johnson's "All at Once": Your actions, Your voice, Your choice

Singer-Songwriter Jack Johnson has launched a pro-environment concert tour including requirements in his concert rider for placement of recycling bins among other things.
His website allatonce.org (http://www.jackjohnsonmusic.com/allatonce) provides a forum for people who want to become active in their local and global community. All at Once, in addition to being a great song you can hear on the site, promotes the concept, "An action multiplied by millions creates global change. Collectively, individual actions create global change and impact." The goal of All at Once is to allow each individual to see how their actions impact the global picture."

It also brings to mind a quote from the great Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."